Thanks for your sharing, I do think your experience with the lady in the convenient store reflects a general trend of homogenous societies in East Asia. I live in Hong Kong, as a mixed kid, with my father being Japanese. The 'mainstream' Han Chinese population hardly understands that it is inappropriate in treating others as a spectacle. It is weird that despite growing up here in the city, I often have to answer questions like 'why are you here?' 'How did your parents met'. I do think that the matter of boundaries and respect (which East Asian cultures are famous for) drops when people see your 'foreign name' or skin color.
While East Asian had been an economic powerhouse especially in the recent 20 years. I do think we need more multicultural education here. And of course, resonating your article, I fully agree that we ourselves could be the change makers of communities. And it is through our everyday changes that the society could be a better place.